Cookie Policy

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What are cookies and why does Bitrix24 need them?

Cookies are files stored in your web browser that allow Bitrix24 or a third party to recognize you and the choices you’ve made. Cookies can be used to collect, store and share bits of information about your activities on the internet.

Bitrix24 uses cookies for the following purposes:

  • To enable specific functions
  • To collect analytics
  • To store your preferences

Our websites collect both session cookies (automatically deleted after the session is over) and persistent cookies (stored in your browser after your session is over).

How do third parties use cookies on Bitrix24 websites?

Like most websites, we use Google Analytics. This tool allows us to understand our customers better – which countries they come from, which pages they visit, how much time they spend on our sites and whether they are new or repeat visitors. This information allows us to improve our services. For example, we use this information to decide which localization to add next.

How do we use cookies on Bitrix24 websites?

We provide our website visitors with a live chat feature that allows them to contact our online consultants and ask questions about Bitrix24. Cookies are required for this process. Also, for our clients from the European Union, we require the use of cookies in order to store their GDPR preferences.

Cookie settings and blocking cookies

Cookies on this website can be controlled within Cookie Settings. You can also delete and/or block cookies on the browser level. If you do block cookies, you won’t be able to use features that rely on them and your choices won’t be saved.

The cookies this site uses

Cookie Name Description
Provides GDPR Cookie management control
Google Analytics _ga
To provide analytics in order to improve site performance and user experience
Bitrix bx_user_id
Live chat feature

Where can I find more information about cookies?

Please visit